Want to Build on Your Land with Views?

Want to Build on Your Land with Views?

Imagine this: You’ve bought a beautiful piece of vacant land in California from AzzOzz Land Investments, or are thinking about doing so, and now want to build a house. Your dream home! Where to begin?

The first thing that you’ve probably done already is to walk the property and decide where the best place for the home to sit will be. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Where on the parcel will you get the best view?
  • How do you want the house oriented with the sun?
  • One story, split level, two story, basement?
  • How long will the driveway be?
  • What natural elements of your land – such as the slope, rocks, trees, drainage – will need to be addressed?
  • What sort of ‘hardscape’ (exterior built items i.e. sidewalks, driveways, patios, pools, etc.) do you have in mind?
  • What kind of ‘setbacks’ (distance from the edge of the property) are required for the house according to the property’s zoning and building regulations?
  • We’re in California, so what kind of wildfire mitigation efforts – both legal and common sense – do you need to factor into what is being designed? Likewise for potential flooding and earthquakes.

Architects often include these elements of home design as a part of your contract when hired to design a custom home. Otherwise, your builder may be able to help. Do It Yourselfers (DIY) might be surprised at what is involved in meeting all of the regulations and laws governing the building of a new home in California today!

Site preparation may go beyond clearing out a few trees and bulldozing a driveway. Perhaps the soil needs to be stabilized before building can begin. If a sewer isn’t available, your property will need to pass a ‘perc’ test so a septic tank and drain field can be designed and placed with the proper setbacks. Everything about the building process requires permits and certifications. Depending on the county and/or city with zoning and building jurisdiction, regulations and requirements can vary, especially between urban and rural locations. Acquiring the proper permits will take money and time, so patience will be in order!

Sure, building your new homes is a lot of effort. But the results will be the home of your dreams!

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